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Thursday, February 7, 2008


Here's my screen print I finished today! yay! It's 4 screens, first is the orange, than red, then transparent grey/blue, and last very transparent yellow. I was inspired by cell structure and skin cells, namely onion skin cells (remember in grade school looking through the microscope at onion skin?)


celso Ds... said...

incrivel teu trabalho fiquei imprecionado com seu estilo composição de cores e as mensagens pcicodélicas.
um abraço e parabéns pelo excelente e divertido trabalho.

Bojana said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog:)
I will look out for updates on your blog, so see you around...and I left the answers to your questions on my posts!
Have a nice day:)

bog_art said...

It looks really good.. I like the transparence effect..