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Friday, April 11, 2008


I'm finally coming down from my cold and my worrying about the end of the semester... so now i can think clearly.

Here are some of my screen prints I've done!
this one is just one color I did, i did the same print on 4 different colors of paper. this project was creating a screen then on the second color change the pre-existing screen. the colors are pink with transparent silver on top (it looks greyish purple here but it really does sparkle!)

this is the poster for this semesters potluck!! the colors are way off so i need to play with it. the colors on the actual print didn't turn out quite like i wanted them to, they dried much darker than i thought and you can't really read the writing, but oh well learning experience. this was a four screen print, first blue, then yellow then pink and the line work was a gradient.

1 comment:

Jillianevelyn said...

lauren that fox one is really great!
and for the potluck one i've been wanting to steal one from the walls for the past couple weeks.