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Monday, November 17, 2008

Close up on Goat Cloak

Paintings are shipped out and I now need to start my commissions and sketches for my solo show... Yay! and I got some new ornaments and we inspected the faux xmas tree last night yeah christmas is coming!


Unknown said...

What a tease.

Maureen said...

very nice.

have you seen these hairstyles? some of them look pretty cool. it reminds me of your work but with hair.

Lauren said...

I am a tease haha, yeah maureen Chow showed me some of those but I never saw all of the series. Sweet!

Molly Jacques said...

This is great. Do you paint with oils directly on wood panel or gesso first?

Anonymous said...

She's prettty. That's lookin' nice. When is the solo show?

Lauren said...

Molly: Oil on anything gessoed (I usually only use canvas, don't like board, can't control dry time as well) with oils you have to gesso.

Andrew: My solo is in September... I'm excited to start the theme for it, it's going to be different.