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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Today's Sketches

Today Syd Mead came to our school to chat with us. He did all the design for the movie 'Blade Runner' and multiple other projects, he's the father of Sci-Fi movie design. He use to teach at CCS so he comes back often to discuss his art. So during the presentation I was sketching out the people around me.

My next project I'm workng on is going to be a poster of the Polar Bear and it's soon Extinction. I think this image would also be good on shirts. This is a sketch of my idea with some basic color put on in Photoshop.


Dave Chow Illustrations said...

Sketching during Syd Mead?? Nearly a capital offense but I'll forgive you this time. Nice sketches!

Wayne Porter said...

what are the demensions for the header on this bloger site? i want to make my own hearder but it alays says the size is wrong and wont give me the sketches