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Monday, December 10, 2007

Painting weekend

Last weekend before schools out... ah! Well I've been painting here's a pic.
I wanted a discussion on people using animals that can't defend themselves, here a girl is using a boa as a scarf when snakes can't even warm their own bodies. I still need to work our her jacket and her hair.

and kevin being... kevin


Unknown said...

God, Lauren, that looks fantastic! You've become such an *awesome* painter. AWESOME I say.

Dave Chow Illustrations said...

I say the same thing too... now if only Lauren would believe it.

Maureen said...

i looooooove this!

Gitter said...

this top painting is great,possibly my favorite thing you've done, i would have said this during critique...if we'd been permited to talk

Marlee Tichenor said...

oh my heavens, lauren, this is so lovely. the hat! the hat! i don't know, light/lack of color in places/sketch and detail. so so beautiful.

bog_art said...

Wow.. it is a good painting!!.. HAPPY 2008!!..

HoundsGood said...

Ditto what everyone else said about the painting. You are seriously talented (as I already knew).

Nice picture of Kev :) That's a framer for sure.